Every Thanksgiving we all list of things we are grateful for. I wish I did it more, I wish I took more time to say "thank you" and make it a lifestyle not a day. I have tried and, I wish I was better.
I try to maintain gratitude in my heart and actions and to be giving to those that I meet. I have been blessed by so many, I get overwhelmed when I think about it. If I have not properly thanked you, I apologize, wholeheartedly. I have really tried and I promise to do and be better.
This Thanksgiving, I am grateful for struggle. Not grateful in a victim way or anything (I hate that), but it has made me appreciate a full refrigerator and having gas in my car. It has helped me teach my kids that nothing is owed to them, everything is a gift and to treat it as such. It has helped me in my philanthropy efforts, because I have been helped...over and over again when I struggle. Those people have taught me SO much, including how to be kind and pay it forward. Seriously, I have been rescued so many times by friends and family during both financial and emotional struggles. Those people and what they have done for me...well, they've inspired me to do the same. Struggle has helped me appreciate the meaning of honesty and integrity and true friendships, that I am so thrilled and LUCKY to have. It has taught me the meaning of being a good human, because I have seen it and now I aim to be one. Struggle has also provided me a sense of humor and laughter and, cripes, where would we be without laughter? It has taught me forgiveness and has taught my children how to be humble and never ever take anything for granted. All of these gifts are priceless and I am so grateful.
I know that I often rant about things, but it is all in jest. I know, if you don't know me, you might think my priorities are wine and coffee. But that is just not true, my priority is joy. Without that struggle, I do not think that I would know exactly what that means. I am so so grateful right now to be filled with such ineffable joy and for the many lessons that I have learned from the amazing people in my life as a result.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, may yours be filled with endless joy... and food and booze, too. Duh.