Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Dear Mr. Trump.

Dear Mr. Trump,

Congratulations on your winning the Presidency. I'm not sure if you'll read this or if you care, but I thought rather than post some angry post that got me nowhere, maybe we could communicate. 

See, I voted for Hillary. It was my first year voting Democrat and I didn't do it with reservation. I did it enthusiastically and without hesitation. See, as someone who sees herself TYPICALLY as a Republican, I don't agree with your treatment of people. I'm sure that's not the first time you've heard that- but I imagine (and hope) that watching half this country cry hysterically when they announced you as the winner must've caused you to take pause. 

If it didn't, it should. We need you to care about all of us. I can tell you that we don't think that you do and we are afraid of you. Not from the media, but from words that have come from you. Not from accusations, but facts. Not from our judgment or misperceptions, but from exactly who you have shown us. 

Now, I've promised my friends and family that I wouldn't wallow in sadness. So I won't. I've promised them I'd still have faith in God and I do. But I have to be honest with you, I don't understand how you are our President. I mean, I understand HOW, but it's mind boggling to me. 

Many have accused you of having no plan, that's not true. I've seen your first 100 day plan and it's more terrifying than no plan. It's racist, it's power hungry, it's misleading, its nauseating and is anti-American. 

So. Now that Hillary can't be the focus of your discussions- can we talk about these things? 

Please can you take some time away from building the most unbalanced office this country has seen since 1928 and explain to the other half of the country why they shouldn't be afraid? I've seen you hold the rainbow flag for "the gays" but no one is buying it. My nephew, who was adopted by two gay men, his dads are terrified you'll disrupt their family. My Muslim friends are afraid to go in public. Can you address this with your followers? Can you retract your call to violence please? 

Also. My girlfriends are afraid to walk down the street - they've, as a matter of fact, been experiencing more harassment since your winning. I myself have cried so much. It's literally the worst feeling. Like having the uncle who molested you over and says bad things about your black friends and gay friends and handicapped friends... and your family who is supposed to protect you lets him over because he will buy us nice Christmas gifts cuz he's got money. But he's there everyday for dinner. For 4 years. It's you. Can you apologize? With no buts. Just say you're sorry. 

My African American friends are terrified.  You stated you'll be immediately implementing a "Restoring Community Safety Act". It supposedly reduces surging crime, drugs and violence by creating a Task Force On Violent Crime and increasing funding for programs that train and assist local police; it increases resources for federal law enforcement agencies and federal prosecutors to dismantle criminal gangs and put violent offenders behind bars. 

What are we doing to help stop the cycle of poverty and provide resources to urban communities? More police huh? Can we talk about this? 

Can you explain why one of your first orders of business is to replace a reputable justice with one of your own? Are you not interested in balance or are you merely interested in power? 

It seems like it's power. 

Your wall seems to scream "power". Labeling China a currency manipulator, your re appropriation of government funds... everything seems to be power focused. 

Or smoke and mirrors. Your expansion of tax brackets seemed nice at first, but it's not. We can all see through that. Like everything else- we see through it and we won't let it happen. We won't let you stop our progress. So, now that we've established that... tell me. Tell us. Tell the other half- who it's now YOUR JOB to care about - why we should embrace you. 

You have to know we won't quit. We are going to be louder, love harder, fight longer... we will NOT quit. We won't let you take our rights, take our friends rights or dignity. We won't and can't. Love wins- every time. You have to know this. So while you won the Presidency, if you maintain this hate... eventually you WILL lose. 

Please look in the mirror- please look at the people hurting today and please be a man that half of us don't believe you can be. 

- Monica 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Great Divide

I gift you my truth - you take it back for return.
You don't hear my heart- you just wait for your turn.

I offer my story like a coat I can share,  
But my silence is far more comfortable to wear. 

I long for when my mouth shut tight like a lid 
And your brows were not crossed when our paths did. 

Your stare I can't climb, you've left me no choice
But to cry up a sea & Ursula steal my voice. 

When will we hear with our light and not our replies? 
When will we finally see each other with more than our eyes? 

Our differences are the free tuition to humanity.
When will we learn and love and seek to understand and see? 

When will we bring a meal or provide shelter from rain. 
We're prescribed pride and fear... as needed for pain. 

So lock your minds and your hearts and your cars and your door, 
While I scream from the other side and beg for something more. 


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

This is not about politics

This post isn’t political –this post is about something more important – humanity.

Has anyone taken a moment to step back and look at the way we are treating each other? I find it ever so interesting the way that rally together for sports like the Olympics or the Ryder cup – but yet when it comes to humanity, we are at arms. When it comes to social justice and equality we somehow are lacking compassion. When it comes to taking care of our neighbors- we retaliate in defense.  Why?

I have seen this country instinctually act on compassion as caring human beings - I have seen it in everyone I know. EVERY one I know. I can look at someone I disagree with politically and give examples of how they have demonstrated love and care.  

We have 2 political parties – and 324 million people in the USA?  As we continue to grow – we gain more and more culture and more and more experiences. Each person bring to the table their own stories and experiences which prompts their beliefs systems.  By suggesting their belief systems are wrong, it belittles and diminishes their experiences. Eventually,  those two opposite experiences and stories collide – which I believe is where we are now… on so many levels. But the only answer is to listen. 

It has to be.  Do you think that by out screaming and out proving your point that someone will have an epiphany? They will not – they will become even more defensive and latch on to their opinion and close their mind even further in order to protect their story.  What is happening here is self-preservation.

I can tell you from experience – that this past week with the tapes of Mr. Trump which triggered me. The rage that ignited in me when I heard “grab em by the p**sy” was instant and still burns. 

It burns for the time I was 6 and my babysitter insisted I touch his dick. For the time the gardener forced me in to the fence and grabbed me also by the p**sy. And when my cousin cut off my pubic hair and taped it to his wall and said he had SEEN more p*sy than I had seen sky – and for the years to follow where he TOO grabbed me by the p**sy. It burned throughout the times I was homeless at 14 and grown men came in to the abandoned construction site and grabbed me in the p*sy. And the liquor store owner who would give us food and cigarettes while he grabbed us in the p**sy and got himself off. Or when I was asleep and my friends husband took my p**sy or when I blacked out and have no idea what happened to my p**sy.  It burns for those times and the times in between – and when you compare THAT to a FUCKING rap song where a woman CHOOSES to have sex – I burn more.  When you compare that to a book about a woman consenting to aggressive sex – it burns more. When you blame a WOMAN for the actions of a man – as I was blamed in EVERY SINGLE SOLITARY OCCASION I MENTIONED – I WANT TO BURN YOU TO THE FUCKING GROUND. When I realize that I have been raised to believe that my worth is solely in my p**sy, it burns deeper than I can articulate.

So, I will remind you that this is not about me being a Republican or a Liberal – this is about me being a human being.

Please, before you judge ANYONE for their stance NO MATTER WHAT IT IS. Before you bombard them with your point or your grandiose self-righteous opinion – listen.  Do not seek to change someone – seek to understand. THAT is the answer.

This is not about politics – this is about humanity. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Momming a high schooler

As I am driving him to school – I look over at him and I miss him. 
I think about how cool it would be to be his friend.  
I peeked around last night on his Instagram. His sense of humor, just to confirm  - my kid is a savage.
So much inappropriateness. I typed “SMH” but really I “LOL”ed.

Yesterday I text him about homework.
I text him about his chores and his grades.
I text about his choir concert and his hockey bag and “NO, you cant have a sleepover – it’s Thursday.”
He doesn’t reply – he texts his latest Pokemon to my fiancĂ© tho.

This morning, I denied him my aux chord. “Yes, we both have Colt 45 and no you cannot listen to it.”
Not Lil Uzi or Drake or Joey Purp or Bryson Tiller either. 
I made him a Clean Playlist and he is not interested. 
So we sit there in silence and listen to the traffic.

I pull up to his favorite spot to get dropped and tell him I love him. He just says “bye” and gets out.
I turn my head, grit my teeth and wait for the door to slam.
Just then...he pops his head back in and smiles “I love you too mom, see you tonight”.
I smile and exhale and drive away.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Breaking up with Target #shoplocal

Dear Target,

I'm sorry to say, it's over. I'm tired of spending all my money on you. I found someone new, who gets me. They double bag my groceries without prompt, they put the bread ON TOP, they separate greeting cards in their own bag. They have a meat department that offers lollipops to children. They gave me flowers FOR FREE because I spent so much. They're closer, they support local farms and they're are only 8 aisles which saves me SO much time. I'll not miss you, actually. Maybe I'll stop in for a prescription refill on occasion, but I won't have need for this. *hands cartwheel app and red card back.

Also, there are only 8 cars in the parking lot, which meant no crowd. Although it meant an interaction where a patron in the parking had "much respect for that dumper ma'am". There are worse things at 38.

It was real and it was fun. But it wasn't really fun.

Goodbye. I'm moving on.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Quitters Never Prosper...or maybe they do, actually.

You know what is harder than publicly signing up to do something terrifying? Realizing that you can’t actually do it.

I stood up and told the entire universe that I was running a marathon and I thought THAT was soooo brave. Saying I was going to do something so crazy and amazing and people telling me how awesome that was weekly –how cool was that? Hearing “Good for you” on the regular – was such a  good feeling. Harder Better Faster Stronger - had my ego almost Kanye sized.

Guess what was also cool? Even MORE cool?  Being able to do it for a good cause. The fact that I was going to be able to do this for children in Africa made me feel like I had purpose.  It got me through every single run. It motivated me to get up and run when I really prefer couch time.  I am in relocation mortgages so my days are spent with people who make more in one month than I do over a 6 month period. Doing something daily that was giving back to this world made me feel like Captain Good Samaritan Pants. Like Mother Teresa woulda stamped that and said “good on ya, ya crazy hefer”. 

And now I cant. 

I cannot even tell you how sad this makes me.  I trained really really hard – I did everything right. I juiced, I drank ALL the water and I ran SO MUCH. GOD, I wanted to. God, on the other hand, did not want me to.   

So…what is harder than saying I am going to do something crazy? 

Not doing it.  

Trying to hold your head high when you just want to explain away why you cannot to everyone who asks how training is going or if I am excited for the marathon. Quitting something you genuinely wanted to do. Feeling like you suck – sucks.

I know this is not the right way to look at it tho, so I changed my mindset.  Quitting and walking away from something that is not meant for you that you REALLY WANT is hard but it is ALSO really really brave. 

Too many people stay in unhealthy situations because they are too proud to say “I can’t do this” – whether relationships, jobs or marathons.   It is HUMBLING to have announced to everyone that “THIS IS THE THING!” (whether that thing is a human or a job or a task or whatever) – then it not being the thing.  BUT?  Instead of seeing this through negative Nancy’s crotchety ass-bifocals, I need to realize that what I have is the opportunity to publicly say I quit.  To say I chose me. I chose my family, my health.  My training accomplished what it needed – I did some amazing things.  I learned amazing lessons.  I raised what I aimed to and for 26 kids in Africa, they will have clean water for life because in just the last 3 months, I have ran over 150 miles which has somehow inspired my friends and family to donate to my team and this fantastic cause.  TWENTY SIX CHILDREN!!! If you can change one person – you win.  I changed 26. We changed 26.  Aside from that – I have my personal accomplishments- new personal records – I ran 16 miles one day. 16 is a fuck ton of miles for a 38 year old broad to do.  I increased my mile time. I ran my fastest 5K. All these things are really awesome.

The ego is a tricky bastard and there is no room for it when it comes to things that really matter. It is ok to walk away from things that shit on your shine and it is important as a human being – especially in this Facebook driven day and age to admit that too. 

So, I bid adieu to my marathon and in the words of yet another wise scholar, Ice Cube-  “Bye Felicia”.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Soul Vomit: Nice to Meet You

I have no clue how you start a blog.  I have imagined that you need a subject and a plan. Well, I have neither - which is precisely why I have not started or maintained a blog.  But... according to the majority of the humans in my life, I need to start blogging...and more than once or twice a year when I have a crisis with unidentified flying emotions attached to them and I vomit emotions through my keyboard in an attempt to process whatever the hell life tossed at me.

So - for those of you who do not know me, my name is Monica. I am passive aggressively referred to as "interesting" here in Minnesota.  I am certain if you are from the south you would "bless my heart" or something- but if you ask me - I am a normal weirdo originally from California with good intentions and a story to tell. Obviously, we all have a story, mine is just cooler than yours.  Just kidding - I know we live behind this fear of our truth and what people will think if we say it. Not me. Not anymore, anyway. In the words of the ever-wise scholar,  Dr. Dre, I been there and done that.  I physically cannot survive if I cannot say how I fucked up or if something is fucked up or I am fucked up. Cuz, news flash - life is fucked up. There is not one thing that happens to me that has not happened to one other person - so maybe this will help.  In my experience, every time I share - someone changes. Someone thanks me. Someone feels less alone or more brave.  If that is my super power - HELL YA!

Anyway - I just turned 38 years old, I have 2 kids and 2 dogs and a fiancĂ© (Sam) - all boys. I want more babies - as many as I can. I think babies are a portal to God. I have been married and divorced more than once, I have been in foster homes and group homes and owned 3 homes and had no home and never ever once felt AT home... until now with my Sam. 

In my life, I have been abused and raped an absurd amount of times and had terrible things that should never happen to anyone happen. But?  They do not define me, but they sure fuck with me. I am self aware of this - especially the older I get. All I can do is try hard to block myself from sabotaging everything in my life and try to find a balance between addiction and this crippling neurotic anxiety that I am so so good at. I do truly believe that we are all beautiful mosaics comprised of the broken pieces of ourselves, but in order to be seen, those broken pieces must be exposed or -quite frankly, we will not ever truly be seen. 

I did not wake up with this fantastic epiphany.  I hid and have wasted lots of time trying to do things that were not meant for me and pretending shit was all good. They seems easier than the truth, than exposure. I tried to train for a marathon and HAHAHAHAHAHA! The good Lord said "no bitch, that's not for you". I tried to start my own business - also a "or naw".  I tried lifting heavy weights, and instead I ended up with a back brace.  A bedazzled one, but still "thats a no from me" (if Simon Cowell were God). For most of my life I have tried to do all these things and I literally was not great at MOST things.  Ever try so many things and you suck at all of them? Well, in the words of Larry David, it feels pre-ttay pre-ttay terrible.  

"Hey, Mon - why don't you write more? You are so good at it"<-- everyone.  "No no - I am going to ignore that and keep doing other things that make no sense.  Like run a marathon or do more things I  hate and ignore the things I am clearly good at."   <--- me 

Well writing is scary - like , it's my LIFE and it's IN WRITING, for one. And for two, what if just sits in the internet? Know what that will feel like? Like a giant choir of melodic "FUCK YOU" or "WHO CARES" from all the deafening silence of nothing happening to your soul vomit. But, I have to try. Again.  Once upon a time, or two or three or four - I tried to start and failed. They say the fifth time is a charm? (They is me and I just said it, so yes).  The universe keeps telling me to keep trying and so I have to keep listening. 

I have no idea how this will end.  I DO know I am not a victim -so if you are looking for some blog to find a way to make you feel good about lingering in mediocracy - this is not it.  Sharing my story makes me godamn victorious and I need that. And so do you. I don't know if I end up as the good guy or the bad guy in my story - but I know I have played both.  I also don't know if this will have a happy ending or a tragic one, but I know it can't end without me sharing it. Too much has happened to not. 

So - strap on your seatbelt - this is going to get weird. 

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Our new arrivals

Feeling overwhelmed regarding the arrival of my twin kidney stones born days apart. My first lil stone I carried for 7 whole miles right in my peehole during my 16 mile run on Monday before I received pain intervention and she finally arrived yesterday early in the morning before dawn. Today her tinier younger sister arrived around 5 pm after surprising her dad and I with her arrival. Big things come in small packages (and often fuck up your entire urinary tract). Thanks so much for my partner in all this, perkoset.  I love you boo, I couldn't do this without you. I've named them both Felicia, cuz bye.
